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The Ordinary General Assemblies of the Moroccan National Olympic Committee 2021- 2022


The Moroccan National Olympic Committee held its Ordinary General Assemblies for the years 2021 and 2022, chaired by Mr. Faïçal LARAICHI, on May 12, 2023, at its

headquarters located at the Prince Moulay Abdellah Sports Complex in Rabat, with the presence of Presidents of the Royal Moroccan Sports Federations, as well as the representative of the Ministry in charge of Sports.


Following the outlined agenda of these Assemblies, a vote took place, garnering unanimous approval from the 27 voting members attending the assembly:

  • The moral reports for 2021 and 2022;
  • The financial reports for 2021 and 2022;
  • The auditor's report ;
  • The budgets for 2023;
  • The appointment of the auditor in charge of auditing the financial statements of the Moroccan NOC;
  • The election of the members of the new Moroccan National Olympic Committee’s executive board for the period 2023 / 2027.

The highlight of these Ordinary General Assemblies was the unanimous re-election of Mr. Faïçal LARAÏCHI for a second term as President of the Moroccan NOC.


In accordance with the statutes of the Moroccan NOC, an electoral commission undertook the task of managing the electoral process, yielding the following results :

Number of voters: 27

  •  Ballots cast for the single list: 27
  •  Invalid ballots : 0
  •  Ballots cast against the single list: 0

The members of the new executive board for the period 2023 / 2027 are:

  • LARAÏCHI Faïçal (Royal Moroccan Tennis Federation):  President;
  • LEKJAA Fouzi (Royal Moroccan Football Federation): Vice-President;
  •  AHIZOUNE Abdeslam (Royal Moroccan Athletics Federation): Vice-President;
  •  IDMAHAMMA Abdellatif (Royal Moroccan Golf Federation): General Secretary;
  •  BENELMAHI Mohammed (Royal Moroccan Cycling Federation): Deputy General Secretary;
  •  HASSA Driss (Royal Moroccan Swimming Federation): General Treasurer;
  •  EL KETTANI Chafik (Royal Moroccan Federation of Judo and Assimilated Martial Arts): Deputy General Treasurer;
  •  BENNANI Selma (Royal Moroccan Federation of Aerobic Sports, Fitness, Hip Hop and Related Disciplines): Assessor;
  •  BELHAJ Abdeljaouad (Royal Moroccan Boxing Federation) Assessor;
  •  HILALI Driss (Royal Moroccan Taekwondo Federation): Assessor;
  •  MESKOUT Fouad (Royal Moroccan Federation of Associated Wrestling): Assessor;
  •  AOURACH Mustapha (Royal Moroccan Basketball Federation): Assessor;

Album photos

The Ordinary General Assemblies of the Moroccan National Olympic Committee 2021- 2022